Blinded by Anxiety

My plan was to set myself up with routines and schedules BEFORE I got a job so that I wouldn’t be overcome with everything i needed to do in the mornings before heading to work.

Well, I thought that I had my routines and schedules down to a science. Boy was I ever wrong!!

This morning was my first day of work and I had to be there for 10am. I was freaking out that I was going to forget something or run out of time to get ready and was blinded by anxietyspinning in circles like a nut case.

This is when I realized that I REALLY need to have prompts to tell me what to do because my anxiety completely blinds me when I have somewhere to be first thing in the morning.

When I can take my time to get where I need to be then I am completely okay. I don’t forget things like to do yoga after I get off the elliptical. That’s what happened this morning; I was buck naked about to get in the shower and I realized that I forgot to do stretches and weights. Silly me! There was no way I was putting my sweaty clothes back on. Yoga would have to wait until the afternoon.

All this said, it is INCREDIBLE how anxiety can completely blind me. I get into this completely frazzled state and am running around like a lunatic, not actually accomplishing anything!

I know that I am time blind and my anxiety skyrockets when I have somewhere to be. Iย brilifreak out that I am going to forget something and I have to keep checking the time.

Guess who is going to re-download the app Brili (you can also use 30/30) so that I can stay on track?! Yes, it is for kids – but, let’s face it! I am a grown up child ๐Ÿ™‚

3 thoughts on “Blinded by Anxiety

  1. I can also get blinded my anxiety! It’s frustrating. I always get up way before I think I need to because rushing is where I get frazzled as well. Glad you sent me the link to your blog! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks for following! ๐Ÿ™‚ Haha yes exactly! I wish I was joking.. right now I get up 2.5 hours before I need to leave. Granted I workout but still… itโ€™s too long ๐Ÿ™ˆ and Iโ€™m also super lucky that my work only starts at 10am

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