Feeding Yourself with ADHD

This page is a work in progress.

I have many goals, dreams and visions! A cookbook/food page is part of it!

Feeding yourself is hard, especially when you have ADHD. I went to cooking school and I still have a hard time.

Have you ever noticed how sugar effects you? Gluten? Dairy? Is planning what you are going to have for dinner hard? What about deciding what you are going to eat?! Not to mention going to the grocery store and buying your groceries… and then wait, after all that we still have to activate and cook said recipes! YIKES! Talk about an ADHD nightmare!!

I have experienced all of the above! The journey of amending my diet is ongoing and tough but I’m on it and I want to share all my discoveries with you!

look on the right hand side for recipes!

Happy Cooking <3

P.s. I love, love, love feedback šŸ™‚