Desire smuggling; RSD’s cousin!

I have talked about RSD (rejection sensitive dysphoria) a few times now! Just in case you missed my blog posts (How To Explain Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria & Why rejection sensitivity dysphoria makes relationships so hard) here is a quick definition: RSD is when you feel both physical and emotional pain because you experience real or perceived rejection. Now … Continue reading Desire smuggling; RSD’s cousin!

Procrastivity and what it means for us with ADHD

Procrastivity! It's the idea that we procrastinate by doing something else that is productive, like tasks around the house. Example: doing laundry when the high priority is writing your paper due tomorrow. I first heard this term while listening to the talk from J. Russell Ramsay in the ADHD Women's Palooza. Here are some of … Continue reading Procrastivity and what it means for us with ADHD

Outward appearance of success

Do you appear put together and successful? I was having a conversation the other day and I was explaining that I have ADHD and what it is like working with my clients. She was so surprised that I have ADHD because you "cannot tell" since I appear so put-together. Everything about my ADHD is internalized … Continue reading Outward appearance of success

Why it’s important to re-sparkalize when you have ADHD!

Re-sparkalize! You know when you are in your space and you just aren't digging it anymore... Your productivity is lacking and you just don't want to do the work. I just went through this today! My office is situated at the back of the house and does not get the beautiful sun throughout the day … Continue reading Why it’s important to re-sparkalize when you have ADHD!

Gain back your control; plan away!

It's been a little over a year now since I decided to dive in headfirst and "get my shit together". Let me just start this off by saying it is not easy! I didn't just flick a magical wand and tada my life is now magically planned! I need to actively plan and update my plan multiple times a day. … Continue reading Gain back your control; plan away!

Why being part of an ADHD support group is so AWESOME!

Wooohooo! As of today, January 25th 2019, it has officially been one year since our first in-person adult ADHD support group meeting. How did it all start? Let me give you a bit of a back story... Why I wanted to start a support group In October of 2017 I came across a video "Failing at Normal" … Continue reading Why being part of an ADHD support group is so AWESOME!

Why rejection sensitivity dysphoria makes relationships so hard

Earlier this week (only a few days late), I posted "How to explain rejection sensitivity dysphoria". I mentioned in brief how it affects me in my relationships so I wanted to dive a bit deeper into it and clarify where RSD shows up and what to do about it. Why is RSD such a big … Continue reading Why rejection sensitivity dysphoria makes relationships so hard

How To Explain Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria

Do you experience rejection sensitivity dysphoria but aren't sure how to explain it? Don't worry, you are not alone! It's tough to understand what is going on when you are "in it" so I can sympathize as to how hard it is to explain it! Here's how! Rejection sensitivity dysphoria is when you feel both … Continue reading How To Explain Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria